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Here you can find some key slides of the ASTE 2020 presentation, held at San Antonio, Texas (USA), with useful links in order to get more information. The bibliografical references used in the chapter are presented after last slide.
Here is a useful link to know more bout paleoisomorphic/paleoheteromorphic sites:
Here is a useful link to know more about “Biological evolution and students: a comparative study in Brazil and Italy”
Here is a useful link to know more about sociocutural roots of the belief in the inhertited effects of acquired characteristics:
This site brings more information about the 2018 Brazilian translation of Origin of Species (1859).
Here is a useful linl to retrieve the article above mentioned, free of charge:
Almeida, Argus V. D. and Jorge T. Falcão. “As teorias de Lamarck e Darwin nos livros didáticos de Biologia no Brasil”. Ciência & Educação, 16, no. 3, (September 2010): 649–665.
Bajema, Carl. “Charles Darwin on Man in the First Edition of Origin of Species.” Journal of the History of Biology, 21, no. 3 (March 1988): 403-410.
Barra, Vilma. M. and Karl M. Lorentz. “Produção de materiais didáticos de Ciências no Brasil, período: 1950 a 1980”. Ciência e Cultura 38, no.12 (Dicember 1986): 1970-1983.
Berger, Peter. L. and Thomas Luckmann. “The social construction of reality”. New York: Doubleday & Co., 1966.
Bishop, Beth. A. and Charles W. Anderson. “Student conceptions of natural selection and its role in evolution”. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 27, no.5 (May 1990): 415-427.
Bizzo, Nelio. “Ensino de Evolução e História do Darwinismo”. Ph.D. Thesis, University of São Paulo, 1991.
Bizzo. Nelio. “História da Ciência e Ensino: onde terminam os paralelos possíveis?” Em Aberto 11 no.55 (July/September 1992a): 29-35.
Bizzo, Nelio. “Darwin on Man in Origin of Species: Further Factors Considered”. Journal of the History of Biology 25, no. 1 (March 1992b): 137-147.
Bizzo, Nelio. “From Down House Landlord to Brazilian High School Students: what has happened to evolutionary knowledge on the way?” Journal of Research in Science Teaching 31 no.5 (May 1994): 537-556.
Bizzo, Nelio. “Darwin no Telhado dos Andes”. São Paulo: Odysseus, (2009).
Bizzo, Nelio. “Ensino de ciências: fácil ou difícil?” São Paulo: Biruta, 2nd ed. , (2012).
Bizzo, Nelio. “Understanding and Acceptance of Evolution: Research on Geological Time and Cognition”, pp 79-94 In: Pataririya, M.K.; M.I.Nogueira. (Orgs.). Sharing Science. 1st. Ed. New Delhi: National Council for Science and Technology Communication, 2011.
Bizzo, Nelio. “História da ciência e o ensino da ciência: instrumentos para a prática e a pesquisa escolar”, pp 13-59 in Valéria A. Arantes (org) Ensino de Ciências, São Paulo: Summus Editorial, 2013.
Bizzo, Nelio, and Adela Molina. “El mito Darwinista en el aula de clase: un análisis de fuentes de información al gran público”. Ciência & Educação (Bauru), 10 no.3 (September 2004), 401-416.
Bizzo, Nelio. and Luís Eduardo. Bizzo. “Charles Darwin in the Andes”. Journal of Biological Education, 40 no.2 (June 2006): 68-73.
Bizzo, N. and Charbel Niño El-Hani. “Darwin and Mendel, evolution and genetics”. Journal of Biological Education 43 no.3 (September 2009):108-114.
Bizzo, Nelio and Jeferson B. Oliveira. “Tempo Geológico nas perspectivas histórica, epistemológica e sócio-cultural: resultados de uma pesquisa transnacional”. Proceedings VIII ENPEC: Campinas, R1667-1, (November 2011). Available at: .
Bizzo, Nelio and Jeferson B. Oliveira. “Giambattista Brocchi (1772-1826) e as paleoheteromorfias na alvorada do século XIX”. Filosofia e História da Biologia, 7 no. 2 (July-December 2012): 281-303.
Bowler, Peter. “Darwin on Man in the Origin of Species: a reply to Carl Bajema”. Journal of the History of Biology, 22 no.3 (September 1989): 497-500.
Clough, Elizabeth. E. and Colin Wood-Robinson. “Children’s Understanding of Inheritance”. Journal of Biological Education, 19 no 4(December 1985): 304-310.
Cooke, Kathy. “Darwin on Man in the Origin of Species: an addendum to the Bajema-Bowler Debate”. Journal of the History of Biology, 23 no. 3 (September 1990): 517-521.
Darwin Correspondence Project, “Letter no. 275,” accessed on 17 March 2019,
Darwin, Charles Robert. The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication. (2nd ed.) London: John Murray, 1875.
Darwin, Charles Robert. A Origem das Espécies. Porto: Lello & Irmão, 1946.
Darwin, Charles Robert. A Origem das Espécies. São Paulo: Hemus Editora, 1981.
Darwin, Charles Robert. A Origem das Espécies. São Paulo: EDIPRO, 2018.
Deadman, John A. and Peter Joseph Kelly. “What do secondary school boys understand about evolution and heredity before they are taught the topics?” Journal of Biological Education, 12 no.1 (March 1978): 7-15.
Deadman, John A. “The structure and development of concepts associated with the topic of evolution in secondary school boys”. Ph.D. Thesis, University of London, 1976.
Dominici, Stefano. “Brocchi’s Subapennine Fossil Conchology”. Evolution: Education and Outreach, 3, no.4 (December 2010): 585-594.
Dominici, Stefano and Niles Eldredge. “Brocchi, Darwin, and transmutation: phylogenetics and paleontology at the dawn of evolutionary biology”. Evolution: Education and Outreach, 3, no.4 (December 2010): 576-584.
Good, Ronald. G., John E. Trowbridge, Sherry S. Demastes, James H. Wandersee, Mark S. Hafner, and Catherine Cummins, (eds.). Proceedings of the 1992 Evolution Education Research Conference. Louisiana State University: Baton Rouge, 1992.
Hokayem, Hayat and Saouma BouJaoude. “College students’ perceptions of the theory of evolution”. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 45 no. 4 (April 2008), 395-419.
Kargdo, Dennis. B., Edward.D. Hobbs, and Gaalen L. Erickson. “Children’s beliefs about inherited characteristics”. Journal of Biological Education 14 no.2 (June 1980): 137-146.
Kesser, Seymour. “Psychological aspects of genetic counseling: VI. A critical review of the literature dealing with education and reproduction”. American Journal of Medical Genetics 34 no.3 (November 1989): 340-353.
Krasilchik, Myriam. “Trajetória de uma professora de Biologia”, pp 197-213 in Carvalho, Anna. M. P., Antonio Cachapuz, and Daniel Gil-Perez (eds.). O ensino das ciências como compromisso científico e social: os caminhos que percorremos. São Paulo, SP: Cortez, 2012.
Lester, Alan, and Dussart, Fae. “Colonization and the Origins of Humanitarian Governance”. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
Macedo-Souza, Lucia.I., Fernando Kok, Silvana C. dos Santos, Simone C. Amorim, Alessandra Starling, Agnes Nishimura, Karina Lezirovitz, Angelina M. M. Lino, and Mayana Zatz. “Spastic Paraplegia, Optic Atrophy, and Neuropathy Is Linked to Chromosome 11q13”. Annals of Neurology 57 no.5 (May 2005): 730-737.
Martill, David, Gunter Bechly and Robert F. Loveridge. “The Crato fossil beds of Brazil: window into an ancient world”. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2007.
Oliveira, Jeferson B. “O tempo geológico no ensino fundamental e médio: os estudantes e os livros didáticos”. PhD Thesis, University of São Paulo, 2006.
Piaget, Jean. and Rolando Garcia. “Psicogénese e História das Ciências”. Lisboa: Dom Quixote, 1987.
Rogoff, Barbara, and Jean Lave. “Everyday Cognition”. Cambridge (Mass) Harvard University Press, 1999.
Santos, Silvana C. dos. “Para geneticistas e educadores: o conhecimento cotidiano sobre herança biológica”. P.h.D thesis, University of São Paulo, 2003.
Santos, Silvana C. dos. “The diversity of everyday ideas about inherited disorders”. Public Understanding of Science 15 no.3 (July 2006): 259-275.
Santos, Silvana C. dos, and N. Bizzo. “From ‘New Genetics’ to everyday knowledge: ideas about how inherited diseases are transmitted in two large Brazilian families”. Science Education 89 no.4 (July 2005): 564-576.
Smith, John K. and Louis Heshusius. “Closing down the conversation: the end of the quantitative-qualitative debate among educational inquirers”. Educational Researcher 15 no.1 (January 1986): 4-12.
Wertsch, James V. “Vygotsky and the social formation of mind”. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1985.
Wertsch, James V. “Voices of collective remembering”. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
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